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KINFEROOF //music for water and contact microphones 

Disponibile solo in digitale 


KINFEROOF| music for water and contact microphones

2015/2016 - LIARSS Production (LIARSSfd001-2015)
2017 - Autoproduction

Kinferoof is a composition / performance of extemporaneous nature .
Boosted by the natural creative process and with an eye to sound research , started as a joke from one of my sessions of field recordings .
In recent months I'm expanding my daily personal sound archive , focusing on the study of the relationship between matter / sound.
In the session  of February 5, 2015 , the goal was recording - test  my new technical material
(in this case a microphone hydrophone ) and the study of the responses to water and its processes .
On this day I recorded the thawing process.

The recording has a duration of about 70 minutes and moves in three moments :
a) Prel
b ) iebsi
c ) urat

All sounds are then converted and processed through music editing software .


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